Our Women’s Program offers support to women who have experienced gender-based violence in their home or community. Our services include support groups, individual counseling, referrals, and advocacy. This program supports women in the county who are not accessing the shelter.
Our services are free and confidential.

Our main Women’s Program office is in Carleton Place and we also have a satellite office in Perth (previously named the Highlands Program). Our Women’s program works to reflect the unique challenges that women living in rural communities experience such as limited transportation options. That is why we make every effort to hold support groups and appointments around Lanark County, and we can arrange for free transportation for you to visit one of our offices.
Contact the Women’s Program for more information:
Carleton Place Office: 613-253-3336 or 1-888-414-7321
Perth (Highlands) Office: 613-326-0178
Please note that our Community Support Programs are not crisis services. If you need immediate support, please call our crisis line: (613) 257-5960 or 1-800-267-7946 or TTY 613-257-1952.