Eastern Ontario Shelters:

La Montee D'ElleAlexandria1-800-461-1842
Three Oaks FoundationBelleville1-800-267-0533
Leeds & Grenville Interval HouseBrockville1-800-267-4409
Baldwin HouseCornwall1-800-267-1744
Maison Interlude HouseHawkesbury1-800-267-4101
Chrysalis HouseKanata1-613-591-5901
Kingston Interval HouseKingston1-800-267-9445
Lennox & Addington Interval HouseNapanee1-800-667-1010
Harmony House (2nd Stage)Ottawa1-613-233-3386
Interval House of OttawaOttawa1-613-234-5181
La Presence (convent)Ottawa1-613-241-8297
Maison D'AmitieOttawa1-613-747-0020
Nelson House of Ottawa CarletonOttawa1-613-225-3129
Minwaashin LodgeOttawa1-613-741-5590
Bernadette McCann HousePembroke1-800-267-4930
Naomi's Family Resource CentreWinchester1-800-267-0395

Lanark County Services & Programs:

Adult Protective Services613-267-4200
Family and Children's Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville1-855-667-2726
Crown Attorney's Office613-264-1900
Distress Centre Lanark, Leeds & Grenville1-800-465-4442
Lanark Health and Community Services613-259-2182
Connections Program1-888-284-2204
Lanark Community Programs1-800-667-2617
North Lanark County Community Health Centre1-866-762-0496
Mental Health Support Project1-877-447-0441
Lanark County Mental Health613-283-2170
Lanark County Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Program613-283-2330 x1258
Lanark County Social Services1-866-846-9019
Lanark, Leeds & Grenville District Health Unit1-800-660-5853
Legal Aid Ontario1-877-767-8536
Legal Clinic1-800-597-4529
Ontario Early Years Centre1-800-267-9252
Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth1-877-232-8260
Rose Garden Family Support Centre1-877-417-6007
The STOP Program613-326-0628
TriCounty Addiction Services1-800-361-6948
Victim Crisis Assistance & Referral Service1-866-575-0067
Victim Witness Assistance Program613-264-8387

Violence Against Women Websites

www.endabuseinlanark.ca: The Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Advisory Committee—Lanark County has designed this website to provide useful information for victims, survivors, friends, family and community members. Learn here to understand the signs of domestic and sexual violence, where you can go for help, and how you can make a difference in Lanark County.

www.neighboursfriendsandfamilies.ca: Neighbours, Friends, and Families is a public education campaign to raise awareness of the signs of woman abuse so that those close to an at-risk woman or an abusive man can help.

www.oaith.ca: The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) is a provincial coalition primarily of first stage emergency shelters for abused women and their children. Our members also include some second stage housing programs and community based women’s service organizations. OAITH is the largest women’s shelter association in Canada . The Association works together with member shelters to educate and promote changes in all areas that abused women and their children identify as important to their freedom from violence.

www.satcontario.com: Established by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in 1993, the Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres provides leadership and support to 35 hospital-based sexual assault and domestic violence treatment centres across Ontario.

www.sheltersafe.ca : Our vision is to make sheltersafe.ca the go-to website for women seeking quick, easy-to-find and up-to-date connections to a range of shelter services in order to protect themselves from domestic abuse.

www.awhl.org: The Assaulted Women’s Helpline is a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line for women in the province of Ontario.

www.springtideresources.org: Springtide Resources promotes healthy and equal relationships by engaging diverse communities in shared educational strategies designed to prevent violence against women and the effect it has on children.

www.briserlesilence.ca: Ligne de soutien pour femmes victims de violence.

www.stepitupontario.ca: Learn about 10 Steps to End Violence Against Women, and the many ways you can help.

www.metrac.org: The Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children (METRAC) is a not-for-profit, community-based organization that works to prevent and end violence against diverse women, youth, and children. METRAC has three main program areas: Community Safety, Community Justice, and Community Outreach and Education.

www.crvawc.ca: The Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children promotes the development of community-centred, action research on violence against women and children.

www.ocrcc.ca: The objective of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres is to work for the prevention and eradication of sexual assault, including rape. The Coalition works to implement legal Social and attitudinal changes.

www.whiteribbon.ca: Men working to end men’s violence against women.

Other Important Resources

www.dawncanada.net: The Disabled Women’s Network Canada is a progressive, volunteer-driven, feminist organization promoting social justice, human rights & the advancement of equality rights through education, research, advocacy, coalition-building, resource development, & information technology.

www.cleo.on.ca: Community Legal Education Ontario is a community legal clinic dedicated to providing low-income and disadvantaged people in Ontario with the legal information they need to understand and exercise their legal rights. Their materials cover many areas of law, including social assistance, tenants’ rights, immigration and refugee law, workers’ rights, family law, elder abuse and youth justice.

www.owjn.org: The Ontario Women’s Justice Network (OWJN) promotes an understanding of the law with respect to violence against women, providing accessible legal information to women and their supporters in a manner that reflects the diverse experiences and realities of women. OWJN contains information on relevant legal issues, including written law (legislation) and case law (court decisions).

www.sheltersafe.ca: Our vision is to make sheltersafe.ca the go-to website for women seeking quick, easy-to-find and up-to-date connections to a range of shelter services in order to protect themselves from domestic abuse.

www.canadianwomen.org: The Canadian Women’s Foundation (CWF) is Canada’s only national public foundation dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls.

www.sjto.gov.on.ca/cicb/: The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board is a quasi-judicial adjudicative agency that awards compensation to victims of crimes of violence that occurred in Ontario.

www.cwhn.ca: The Canadian Women’s Health Network (CWHN) was created in 1993 as a voluntary national organization to improve the health and lives of girls and women in Canada and the world by collecting, producing, distributing and sharing knowledge, ideas, education, information, resources, strategies and inspirations.

www.caefs.ca: The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies is an association of self-governing, community-based Elizabeth Fry Societies that work with and for women and girls in the justice system, particularly those who are, or may be, criminalized.

www.kidshelpphone.ca: Every day, Kids Help Phone counsellors answer calls and online questions from across Canada. No matter what the problem or concern our counsellors are there to provide immediate and caring support, information and referrals to the kids who reach out to us.

www.menandhealing.ca: Men & Healing is a non-profit charitable men’s counselling agency that has been providing services to men and their families since 1997. They provide individual counselling, as well as a specialized healing program for men who have experienced sexual or physical abuse as children, anger management, emotional intelligence, and fathering.

www.isisters.org: iSisters Technology Mentoring is a registered Canadian charity that was founded in 2001. Their mission is to connect women in need with technology through mentoring.

www.healthunit.org: The Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit offers a wide range of services to promote healthy living, healthy growth and development, prevent illness and injury and control communicable diseases in the community.