Want to host your own fundraiser?

You’re in the right place!


Groups and individuals can help support LCIHCS programs for women and children by raising funds to support our programs.
Whether you’re raising funds in honour of a loved one, establishing a wedding registry, celebrating a birthday, or even creating an original fundraiser, your efforts will help us continue to offer our 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, transitional and safety support, counselling support for women and for children, and so much more.

NOTE: Before you begin your planning, please be sure to contact our Resource Development Coordinator so that we are aware of the event, and so that we are able to support you in your efforts. Be sure to review, fill out, and turn in the LCIHCS 3rd Party Fundraising Policies and Agreement to our Resource Development Coordinator. You can do so via fax (613-257-5031 ATTN: Resource Development Coordinator); via email (cathie.mcormond@lcih.com); or mail at:

Lanark County Interval House& Community Support
P.O. Box 107
Carleton Place, ON  K7C 3P3
ATTN: Resource Development Coordinator

In need of some advice or ideas?  Check out our LCIHCS Event Planning Tips for 3rd Party Fundraisers

Important Guidelines to remember when organizing a fundraiser


  • Net funds must be submitted no later than 60 days after the event.
  • We will not assume any legal or financial liability associated with third party events and we will not be held responsible for any damages or accidents.
  • We must approve the use of our name and logo on any materials.
  • We are more than happy to provide promotional materials for your event, such as posters, pamphlets, and/or our banner.
  • All tax receipt issues must be discussed with Lanark County Interval House prior to the event.  All tax receipts will be issued in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency’s regulations.
  • We cannot issue tax receipts for donated services (example: advertising, construction, entertainment, etc.)

Photo: The grandson of one of our crisis counsellors shakes hands with our Child & Youth Program Coordinator as he hands over his birthday money to go towards activities and support for the children that stay in the shelter

Need more information? Please feel free to contact us. We appreciate your support and hope that your event is a success!

You can reach our Resource Development Coordinator at 613-257-3469 x 164 or email: fundraising@lcih.com