Hosting a Fundraiser Has a BIG Impact
Our mission extends beyond a mere organizational goal—it’s about being a powerful voice for women from all walks of life, resonating in every corner of Lanark County. We exist to offer unwavering support and vital services to those who need it most. Now, we turn to you, our community, with a humble request: consider hosting a third-party event to help us raise the essential funds required to continue our crucial assistance.
By taking the initiative to organize a fundraiser, you become the driving force behind a successful event. The benefits of supporting a third-party event are immense. Not only will you forge stronger community connections, but you’ll also boost employee engagement and foster a positive work culture. Furthermore, hosting a third-party event can be an opportunity to launch a new product or inspire friendly competition.

What is a Third-Party Fundraiser?
It is an event sponsored or hosted by individuals, organizations, or groups who wish to support Lanark County Interval House and its mission to empower women and their families. As the event organizer, you will spearhead the planning, promotion, and execution of the event. Rest assured that LCIH will provide support through social media platforms to help spread the word about your event.
Explore ideas such as:
- Hosting art auctions or exhibitions
- Organizing bake sales or book sales
- Conducting cell phone or collection drives
- Holding craft sales
- Charity runs, walks and tournaments
- Requesting donations at the point of sale
- Hairdressers and salons can dedicate a day or month to support LCIH with their “Cut out Abuse” campaign
- Happy hours or restaurant nights with a percentage of sales going to LCIH are excellent options
- Health clubs can organize special events
- Own a retial business? Host “Shop ’til it Stops” events, with a percentage of sales revenues supporting LCIH
The possibilities are endless!
Wondering how Lanark County Interval House can assist you in launching your third-party event?
If you need to brainstorm or seek guidance, call our Resource Coordinator, Cathie McOrmond, at 613-257-3469 ext.164 or email cathie.mcormond@lcih.com.
We look forward to working together to make a lasting impact on our community and empower those in need.