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Supporting Lanark County Interval House

Janet and Arn Snyder raise purebred Shetland Sheep on their farm (Forest Row) near Ashton. 100% of the money earned from the sale of the wool is donated to a specified charity each year. In 2012 the Lanark County Interval House is that charity

Wool: Specifics and Availability

The Shetland Sheep wool is best known for its fine fibre and its 11 defined colours. During the last decades of the 20th century, the Shetland Sheep were considered to be an endangered breed. However the breed now has a healthy representation in both North America and the British Isles.

At Forest Row the sheep are sheared in the spring. The fleeces are sent to Hidden Touch Natural Yarns fibre mill in Osgoode to be washed, carded and spun into 3 ply worsted weight yarn.  At Forest Row the yarn is then made into 100 gram skeins and washed again. The skeins are sold at $12.00 per skein. This year the wool is available in two natural colours, fawn and dark brown.

The wool is available at Forest Row, 8751 McCaffrey Trail, Ashton, telephone 613-253-7164, and email forestrow@xplornet.com.