We are so excited to introduce one of the newer LCIHCS programs: The Perseverance Pantry!  

Introduced in February to tackle food insecurity and the cost of living, The Perseverance Pantry provides women and children with food and hygiene items as they recover from the pandemic and navigate the rising costs living. The name was chosen to give hope to and encourage those that need help to persevere through challenging times in their lives – whether due to violence, injustice, food insecurity, etc. The pantry can be accessed twice a month by any woman or child registered in a LCIHCS program. 

Along with housing shortages, assisting clients with dealing with food insecurity has become a top priority of the agency. Women fleeing a life of violence and abuse often have little to no funds and feeding themselves and their children can be difficult. LCIHCS believes having access to healthy and affordable food is a basic human right; the goal of the pantry is to give women a hand up by providing them with food and hygiene essentials that are of value to them and their family. “It’s difficult to think clearly when you are hungry,” Cathie McOrmond, Resource Development Coordinator said, “the goal of the Pantry is to ensure women and children are able to eat healthy foods, so they have the brain power to make decisions, be able to work, attend school and allow their minds to be less stressed about putting a meal on the table”. 

Since the inception of the program, we have completed over 200 orders for the 63 women and 85 children enrolled in our programs. The average order ranges in value from $50-80, depending on the needs of the client. The feedback that we have received from clients and staff has been overwhelmingly positive. The program has been running smoothly and we look forward to extending the service to our clients until at least March 2023. 

We have been so thrilled to see the generosity of the community in helping us to make the pantry program possible. The pantry has become a symbol of community and care for the women we serve. We have used grants to purchase items, but many items have been donated by corporations and small businesses as well as individuals and groups in the community including Independent Grocer, Starbucks Carleton Place, Desjardins Insurance Agent Jeff Julian and a local farmer who donates dozens of fresh eggs each month. One of LCIHCS’ staff, Rachel, Perseverance Pantry and Second Stage Housing Coordinator, has spent lots of time and effort in to planting and tending to a garden, with the help of our volunteers and residents ensuring the pantry is well stocked with fresh herbs and vegetables grown with love and care.  

If you are experiencing food insecurity and are not a client of LCIHCS, please know there are other resources available to you in our community. Visit the Hunger Stop community food bank, the Hungry Lunch Café at Zion Memorial Church every Tuesday beginning in the fall, the community fridge and pantry at the Cheerful Giver Thrift Shop which is free to anyone that needs it.  

To make a donation by reaching out to Cathie at cathie.mcormond@lcih.com or 613-257-3469 ext. 64. Highly requested and most needed items include various types of meat, cereal, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal bars, fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables, dairy and eggs, cupboard essentials like canned goods and school snacks, shampoo/conditioner/body wash, baby wipes and toilet paper.