The Ministry of the Attorney General unveiled the Family Court Support Worker program in November 2011 to support survivors of domestic violence who are involved in the family court process. Lanark County Interval House & Community Support was appointed to provide the role of Family Court Support Worker to Lanark County.
Family Court Support Workers provide direct support to survivors of domestic violence who are involved in the family court process.

A Family Court Support Worker will:
- Provide information about the family court process
- Help survivors prepare for family court proceedings
- Refer survivors to other specialized services and supports in the community
- Help with safety planning, such as getting to and from court safely
- Accompany the survivor to court proceedings, where appropriate.
Contact the Family Court Support Program for more information:
Carleton Place Office: 613-253-3336 x 228
Please note that the Family Court Support Program is not a crisis service. If you need immediate support, please call our crisis line: (613) 257-5960 or 1-800-267-7946 or TTY 613-257-1952.