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HennaTarotEvent Poster 2013ladies

Consider yourself cordially invited to the Angels Roost Studio and Spa on Saturday October 19th for a personal Tarot reading or to receive a beautiful henna decoration or both!

This year long-time tarot experts Ann and Lise will be joined by two additional accomplished readers — Deb Shea and Carolyn Avery ! The ladies heard about this fundraising event and asked to be a part of it because they believe in the cause.

This event sold out last year with just two readers and raised approximately $600 for Lanark County Interval House programs!

Just walk in. We will explain everything and/or help you pick out your henna tattoo. If you choose to have a tarot reading, you can ask your questions to the cards and our readers will interpret the answers for you.

What a fun afternoon outing for just you or a group of friends!

All proceeds will be donated to help run Interval House programs and services. We thank all the readers and artists and of DSC_3213course Kathy of Angels Roost for hosting this unique and exciting event!DSC_3220