Jun 3, 2014 | Events, LCIH News
We are having our 35th AGM 2013 – 2014 Annual General Meeting Wednesday, September 10, 2014 6:00 P.M. Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario 90 William St. W., Smiths Falls, On, K7A 5A5 Please join us! RSVP by calling 613-257-3469 x...
Mar 14, 2014 | LCIH News, Public Education
While LCIH officially opened in May of 1979, the shelter was already occupied in April by women in need of emergency services. We’ve had a long history of supporting women throughout the county and continue to expand muchneeded services over the years. In 2002,...
Nov 20, 2013 | Advocacy, Events, LCIH News
Lanark County Interval House launches 16 days of activism – Monday November 25th Volunteers will be out in the community distributing pamphlets and promoting 25 actions to help END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN! You can find LCIHs post-secondary placement students...
Aug 26, 2013 | Advocacy, LCIH News
Injustice for a young woman who is a great advocate and friend of LCIH. Check out the link to her wordpress site. www.aminotkwissa.wordpress.com And this link to a feature interview with her about how her memoir was removed from an online book distribution site...