Dec 16, 2019 | General, Getting Help, Public Education
If you need someone to talk to or would like to make a plan to leave the abusive situation you are living in, you can call our 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-267-7946 or (613) 257-5960 or TTY: (613) 257-1952. Alternatively, if you do not live in Lanark County, you can...
Nov 25, 2019 | 16 Days of Activism, Advocacy, Dec 6, Public Education
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the murder of 13 female engineering students and one female teacher at l’École Polytechnique de Montréal. Since this devastating event, Canadians have come together each year on December 6th to remember these women and all...
Jun 4, 2019 | Fundraiser, Public Education
Each school year, there are a couple of times when we step back and acknowledge the hard work of our teachers and educational assistants – during the holiday season and at the end of June. We all know how much work these amazing people do and the multitude of...
Jun 12, 2016 | LCIH News, Public Education
On Saturday, June 11, at the Lanark County Pride Parade, our community came together in solidarity, celebration and peace. We wish this had been the case everywhere. We at LCIH were proud to be included in our local events and will continue to work with our...
Jun 9, 2016 | Advocacy, Community Supporters, LCIH News, Public Education
We want to extend a deep thank you to The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group and their incredible C.A.R.E. Program (Create A Ripple Effect) which has granted us $17,000 to do critical public education and prevention work here in Lanark County to help end violence...
Jun 1, 2016 | Advocacy, Community Supporters, LCIH News, Public Education
from “peace is…women imagine a peaceful world” by Jennier deGroot We can do better! Join us in our mission to end violence against women. You can support the important work we do to end violence here in our own community by volunteering, donating,...