
LCIHCS Accessibility Policy and Reporting

Lanark County Interval House & Community Support members and staff are committed to providing goods and services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving persons with disabilities the same opportunity to access goods and services and allow them to benefit from the same services in the same place and in a similar way as all other clients and employees in our facilities.

Feedback Process

Feedback from the public gives LCIHCS volunteers and staff opportunities to learn and improve.  LCIHCS recognizes the right of the public to make a complaint, compliment, or suggestion on ways to improve our services. To assist us in ensuring that the delivery of goods and services to those with disabilities is provided in an effective and timely manner, the public is invited to provide their feedback as follows:

In writing, in person, e-mail or telephone, addressed to:

Executive Director, Lanark County Interval House & Community Support

Mailing address: PO Box 170 Carleton Place ON K7C 2R2

Phone: 613-257-3469 ext 25

Fax: 613-257-5031


The Executive Director or Designate will respond either in writing, in person, e-mail or telephone acknowledging receipt of feedback and will set out the action to be taken in response to any complaints.  A response will be provided within twenty-one (21) days.

Information about the feedback process will be shared with the related LCIHCS accessibility committee as well as the Board of Directors as necessary.

Still having difficulty?

What happens if for some reason you can’t serve a person with a disability? It is important to recognize that there are resources for you to use to assist you in delivering service to persons with disabilities. Please contact our Accessibility Advisory Committee:

Accessibility Advisory Committee, Lanark County Interval House & Community Support

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 107 Carleton Place ON K7C 3P3

Phone: 613-257-3469

Fax: 613-257-5031