Lanark County Interval House and Community Support offers emergency and on-going programs to women and children living in or escaping from domestic violence. We were founded in 1979 by a number of brave and determined feminists who saw the need in Lanark County for a safe place for women experiencing violence at home and in their relationships. 

If you are a woman in need of support, please take a look at our available programs:

In addition to the above, we offer a 24/7 Crisis Line for women: 1-800-267-7946 or 613-257-5960 or TTY 613-257-1952

Mission Statement:

All women and their children have the right to live a life free of sexual and domestic violence.  We will provide protection, support, safer options and advocacy toward the elimination of violence against women.

Our clients are often faced with additional barriers living in a rural setting such as Lanark County. They may be without transportation, and isolated from friends and family, sometimes even left without a phone. In farming families, women are responsible for much more than themselves and their children. They take responsibility for the animals and sometimes property as well. And often, the possible death of animals or destruction of property is used as a threat to convince the woman not to leave.

To make it even more complicated, a lack of resources in rural areas makes getting the necessary support to leave almost impossible for many. We are the only service for women and children experiencing domestic violence in Lanark County. Although you may not want to think about it, there is a lot of violence targeting women and children in their homes in our county. In 2018 our Crisis Line received 3180 calls from women in crisis. We housed 36 women and 27 children at the shelter over the course of the year, and our Community Support Programs worked with another 632 women and 155 children.


The need is right here at home.

You can make a difference. Click here to learn more about how you can support women in need in Lanark County.

Lanark County Interval House is governed by a Board of Directors who oversee our policies and decision-making. Our board is accountable for our organization to our clients, community, and funders. Click here to learn more about our board and the general membership opportunities available to the public.

The growth of our agency has been made possible by the hard work of so many people – staff, volunteers, family and friends – as well as the ongoing, generous contributions of our Community Partners. We would be unable to provide the amount of support we do without the financial donations of many key, community organizations. You can learn more about our Community Partners and how you can get involved here.

Photo: Community Partner Duncan McNaughton of Tiree and Survivor Advocate Heather Imming at the opening of Second Stage Housing in 2018.