As the holiday season arrives, hopes and expectations rise. Most of the women accessing our programs find Christmas to be a challenging time, with low to no funds, children who don’t understand, and perhaps memories that haunt their minds of past holidays with more sorrow than joy.
Your financial donation this holiday season will provide us the opportunity to offer women and children some assistance during the holiday season and into 2019.
Option #1: Donate items needed for our holiday and welcome baskets: toothpaste and brushes, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, hair brushes and combs, make up, deodorant, nail polish, hand cream, magazines. We often have teen girls and boys who also appreciate body spray, hair gel, combs, brushes, and other teen products.
Option #2: Donate gift cards for pharmacies, grocery stores, Giant Tiger, Walmart, Tim Hortons. This allows women a chance to shop for themselves and their children as needed.
Option #3: Donate pajamas! We always need more pj’s for both women and children. Women’s sizes should be large and extra-large, and the children’s can be all sizes.
Donations of basket items, gift cards and pajamas can be dropped off at The Green Counter Boutique located at 18 Mill Street across from the Town Hall. (Hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am -5:30pm; Thursdays 10am-7pm; and Saturday 10am-5pm).
Option #4: Sponsor a family. When you adopt a family for the season, you can provide holiday dinner items, or individual gifts for the family or do both the dinner and gifts. If you would like to offer this type of support, you can contact at
Option #5: Make a direct financial donation. Your cash donation to Lanark County Interval House will be used to support the women and children leading into 2019. All cash donations are eligible for an official income tax receipt. You may make your financial donation directly through our website here.
LCIH has been supporting abused women and their children for over 39 years, and continues to respond to the hundreds of crisis calls and the numerous women and children who walk through our shelter and outreach services doors every month. It is because of the caring community of Lanark County that our work has been possible and made a positive difference in the lives of so many women and children. When we work together we open up opportunities for women and children to free themselves from a life of violence
Lanark County Interval House thanks you for your generous Christmas Spirit and you can be assured 100% of your donation will go to the support of women and children in crisis.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathie at